July 21, 2020

There are many challenges that international brands face when entering a new market for the first time. Along with different cultures and languages, brands must also adapt to different business practices, consider local competition and overcome marketing challenges.

When effectively managed by an experienced local team, introducing a brand to a new market can represent an exciting new phase of growth that opens doors to many opportunities.

There are many aspects of business operations that brands need to consider when launching in a new market, however, one of the most critical is the sales and marketing strategy.

An integrated and well-researched marketing strategy will help to ensure a brand is successful in establishing awareness, making sales and reaching targets in a new market.

A local partner that has the right experience in your new location will brands to achieve cut-through.

Plural Communications client Techking Australia faced many of these challenges when it entered the Australian market and needed a cost-effective solution to increase brand awareness around the country.

Founded in China in 2005 and now distributing its innovative mining tyres in more than 160 other countries and regions, Techking had recently entered the Australian market to service sites from Western Australia to Queensland.

With ambitious sales targets to reach and no digital presence in Australia, Plural proposed an integrated solution that focused on ongoing, cost-effective digital activity to achieve nationwide, targeted reach.

The Plural team worked closely with Techking Australia to gain a deep understanding of its business goals and implement a marketing plan that incorporated key elements.

Focusing on a regular program of social media and website content, supported by public relations, a new Australian (.com.au) website, eDMs, industry advertising and SEO, the Techking Australia brand has experienced increased awareness and lead growth.

To discover how a cost-effective integrated marketing strategy can skyrocket your business performance, contact us today.